Sabbatical In Israel

January through April 2006 I was on sabbatical in Israel. I was based in Jerusalem at Tantur Ecumenical Institute for Theological Studies ( This blog was initiated as a way for the inspiring members of my congregation to experience something of my "sacred time away."

Location: London, Ontario, Canada

Monday, January 16, 2006

Young Muslim boy praying on his prayer mat outside the Mosque of Ohmar, Bethlehem. Posted by Picasa
Men waiting for Friday worship to begin and visiting outside of the mosque in Bethlehem.


Blogger Philip said...

Hi Hillary: It is not at all unusual to see people, including young children, outside of local mosques worshipping. Each mosque has several services on Friday which is the Muslim holy day. This picture was taken on a Friday. Since I have not been inside a mosque during worship I can only guess there is no room for everyone because they are not usually very large, or some prefer to remain outside and pray. I have noticed that Fridays are quite busy at and around the mosques.

You will see a picture here of men waiting for worship to begin. It seems that the area of the mosque is a natural gathering place just like church is for us. And because it is warmer here than in London, many are able to gather outside and visit as before and after worship.

Something that is unusual is that the entire worship is broadcast from loudspeakers attached to the "muezzin" or tower of the mosque. So you get the worship if you want it or not!

-- Rev. Phil

3:48 a.m.  

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