Sabbatical In Israel

January through April 2006 I was on sabbatical in Israel. I was based in Jerusalem at Tantur Ecumenical Institute for Theological Studies ( This blog was initiated as a way for the inspiring members of my congregation to experience something of my "sacred time away."

Location: London, Ontario, Canada

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Couple Time!

After touring Jerusalem and Bethlehem, the Holy Sites, and a very full agenda throughout an extensive portion of the Galilee region in northern Israel we took three days to unwind together and just be a couple ..... by ourselves!

Kim liked the lounge chairs...

...and the view!

Phil liked the mud...

... and the Dead Sea!

We both loved the pool!

If anyone is looking for a vacation destination.... you might try Ein Boqeq which is situated along the south western shore of the Dead Sea. It was hot and sunny. Just the way we like it!


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