Sabbatical In Israel

January through April 2006 I was on sabbatical in Israel. I was based in Jerusalem at Tantur Ecumenical Institute for Theological Studies ( This blog was initiated as a way for the inspiring members of my congregation to experience something of my "sacred time away."

Location: London, Ontario, Canada

Friday, April 14, 2006

Maundy Thursday in Jerusalem - April 13, 2006

The morning began with a drive to Abu Ghosh where there exists a Benedictine Monastery. Abu Ghosh is one of the traditional sites of the Emmaus story in which the risen Jesus meets two of his followers and is recognized when he broke bread with them. This mornings 7:00 a.m. worship was a “tennebrae” service. Tennebrae means shadows and the extinguishing of candles throughout the worship is the main structure of this service of worship, hence the shadows grow deeper and darker as the service progresses.

This monastery is noted for its excellent use of vocal music and of chant. The Maundy Thursday worship focussed upon Psalms that speak of lament, sinfulness, and remorse ending with Psalms that affirmed God’s sovereignty and ultimate victory over all things evil. All present were anointed with holy oil and the kiss of peace was exchanged between everyone. It was a powerful, yet quiet way to begin the final days of Holy Week. A special blessing was offered to each of us by the Latin (Roman Catholic) Cardinal who was present for the worship.

Maundy Thursday celebrations continued for me at 4:30 p.m. when I joined the Redeemer Lutheran congregation located in the old city for its international service held in Arabic, German, and English. This was a service of confession and Holy Communion, including stripping the altar of all vestments and colour. Then followed a processional from the old city to the Garden of Gethsemane where the service concluded with a candle light worship including the scripture stories of Jesus in Gethsemane with his disciples, hymn singing, and prayers.

After lingering at Gethsemane I met friends who were walking to St. Peter in Galicantu, the site of Jesus’ imprisonment as he awaited trial. At this site are original steps that Jesus used as he walked from the Last Supper to Gethsemane in order to pray. Once arrested he retraced those footsteps under guard to the prison that was his last home before being crucified the next day. The steps were lined with candles glowing red in the night as if to invite all our thoughts to follow Jesus into the dark night and even darker day that followed.

You can see photos below.


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